Workload Identity: A Problem Made for Standards!

Marcel Levy

One of SPIRL’s primary benefits is that it conforms to the SPIFFE standard.

Standards like SPIFFE are a lot like traffic rules: They let all the participants in a system accomplish their goals in expected, predictable ways. The IETF – yes, the premiere standards body for the Internet – is taking things further with the WIMSE working group. Their goal is to tie together SPIFFE, OAuth, JWT, and related standards, and produce a foundation for workload identity for decades to come.

Pieter Kasselman, identity enthusiast, WIMSE co-chair and SPIRL’s new Director of Product Engineering, will be at IETF 121 in Dublin on November 7 to discuss workload identity standards. He’ll also co-present “Workload Identity: A Problem Made for Standards” on November 11 at Venafi’s Workload identity Day Zero event in Salt Lake City, right before KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024.